Welcome To MY New Before.

Madelynn Thompson
3 min readOct 25, 2020

These aren’t before and after pictures. There is no “after” when it comes to building a lifestyle. There is no before and after when it comes to being healthy. There is a before and a during but there can’t be an after. You either show up to healthy habits or you don’t. The idea of after is killing your results. This is why diets don’t work. This is why weight regaining occurs. This is why people fail at getting healthy and achieving long term weight loss goals.

There isn’t any one remedy that helped me get here and there isn’t any one remedy that will ensure I continue to achieve my fitness goals. What will work is continuing to show up to healthy habits.

It’s that easy, you either show up to healthy habits and move in the direction towards better health or you don’t show up to healthy habits and you move in the direction away from better health and whatever direction you allow yourself to go in will determine your current destination and all future destinations you will arrive at. The decisions you make today will determine your future. I want to help you make that future your bitch. I want to help you reach your goals.

I want to work with you and help you build habits that are healthy, habits that will carry you towards better health, habits that will carry you to your goal weight and to achieve everything you set out to achieve for yourself, and the habit of showing up to our healthy habits day in and day out so we can both achieve and maintain our goals -turning those goals into a long term lifestyle that is both attainable and manageable.

I want you to join me as I continue my fitness journey. Being a full time nanny to a 7 week old is exhausting and I don’t have time to go to the gym 6 days a week and I don’t have time for double training day kinda workouts but I do have to make time for me. I do have to make time to keep reaching my goals. I just have to keep adjusting to my reality and finding activity that fits my lifestyle.

Ask me about my 6 week challenge group and how I want to help you build better habits, jump start your fitness journey and set yourself up for long term success.

What you’ll get:

  • Accountability
  • Progress tracking
  • New recipes
  • Annual access to guided workouts
  • Your own fitness tribe community

Join my challenge group: https://www.beachbodyondemand.com/groups/9ac644bb-4863-4c8e-b269-6b7404766273/2427189



Madelynn Thompson

Here to talk about Mental Health and Fitness. Sharing my journey.